শনিবার, ১৮ মে, ২০১৩

Ways to Keep your Heart Healthy | Body Health ? Bodybuilding ...

N? matter h?w ??? ??? ?r?, ??? h??? t? look ?ft?r ???r heart ?n order t? stay fit ?n? healthy. It ?? th? m??t ?m??rt?nt organ ?n a human body ?n? supplies blood t? th? veins ?n? arteries t? keep ?? alive. In case th? heart stops beating, ??? w??? b? unable t? survive. Th?r? ?r? a lot ?f factors affecting th? health ?f ??r heart, ?n? ?t ?? n? coincidence th?t death through heart attack ?? th? m??t common mode ?f fatality nowadays. T? ensure th?t th? heart stays fit ?n? healthy, ??? h??? t? take a lot ?f preventive measures. Th?? article w??? take ??? through th? top ten precautionary measures wh??h need t? b? taken.

1 Regular exercise
One ?f th? best ways ?f keeping th? heart healthy ?? doing exercise. Y?? ?h???? m?k? a regular routine f?r staying fit ?n? ensuring th?t ??? never h??? t? see a doctor f?r cardiovascular problems. Although th?r? ?r? numerous ways ?f exercising, th? best one ?? jogging, ?? th?t w??? keep ??? fit.

2 Control cholesterol
One needs t? keep th? cholesterol level low ?n order t? h??? a healthy heart. F?r th??, ??? need t? walk regularly ?n? avoid eating oily stuff. If ??? feel ?n? problem, ??? ?h???? immediately ??t a cholesterol test ?n? take ??m? medicine t? bring ?t down t? th? desired level.

3 Eat healthy food
Always prefer eating healthy food ?n order t? stay fit. People don?t care ?b??t th??r b?? eating habits th??? days, wh??h results ?n numerous problems f?r th?m. S?, m?k? sure ??? don?t eat ?n? junk food t? keep ???r heart safe fr?m ?n? diseases.

4 Control blood pressure
Th? heart diseases ?r? ???? related t? th? blood pressure, ?? always keep ?t under control. If ??? h??? ?n? problem related t? blood pressure, ??t advice fr?m a doctor ?n? eat medicine regularly.

5 Control blood sugar
J??t ??k? cholesterol ?n? blood pressure, ??? need t? keep th? sugar level ?n ???r blood under control ?n order t? prevent heart diseases.

6 Quit smoking ?n? alcohol
It ?? ideal t? quit smoking ?r drinking ?n order t? keep ???r heart healthy.

7 Check ???r family history
Y?? ?h???? b? aware ?f ???r family history, wh?n ?t comes t? heart diseases. Th?? way, ??? w??? b? ?b?? t? understand ?n? fight th? issues effectively.

8 Always listen t? th? doctor
Never take decisions ?n ???r ?wn ?n? ??t medical advice fr?m ???r doctor.

9 G?t proper rest
Always look t? ??t proper rest ?n order t? stay healthy. Don?t compromise ?n ???r sleep.

10 Th?nk positively
Positive thinking ??n change a lot ?f things f?r ??? never entangle yourself ?n th? negative aspects ?n life.

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Source: http://mybodyhealth.net/ways-to-keep-your-heart-healthy/

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