SUNNYVALE, CA, Jan 09, 2012 (MARKETWIRE via COMTEX) ?Fortinet(R) /quotes/zigman/115092/quotes/nls/ftnt FTNT -0.35% ? a leading network security providerand the worldwide leader of unified threat management (UTM) solutions? today announced that Siemens Enterprise Communications, a premierglobal provider of end-to-end enterprise communications, has deployedmultiple FortiGate-1240B network security appliances to help secureits OpenScape Cloud Services. Fortinet?s devices are uniquely meetingthe provider?s stringent requirements in terms of performance,functionality and reliability.
As a provider of voice and communications solutions, SiemensEnterprise Communications offers easy-to-implement, reliable andsecure Unified Communications (UC) solutions to customers of allsizes around the world. When Siemens Enterprise Communicationslaunched its OpenScape Cloud Services to extend its voice and UCservices to customers using a public cloud, the company looked atsetting up secure and reliable IT and communications infrastructuresas well as high-availability data centers in Germany and in the US.
The requirements for Siemens Enterprise Communications? OpenScapeCloud Services were high in terms of security and reliability, aswell as performance and scalability. In parallel, the securitysolution needed to provide rich functionality to supportvoice-over-IP (VoIP), UC and application data.
Thanks to a long track record in successfully securing the dataenvironment of Siemens Enterprise Communications? enterprisecustomers, Fortinet?s FortiGate network appliances were part of themarket solutions subject to the provider?s nine-month evaluation andwere ultimately selected to secure its communications cloud services.
?The decisive factor was Fortinet?s outstanding success in thepreceding tests,? said Andreas Seum, Vice President ConvergedNetworks & Security at Siemens Enterprise Communications. ?Also,Fortinet?s expertise in the provider and carrier sector, in additionto the personal support contributed to our decision. At last, on atechnical level, the FortiGate appliance proved to uniquely functionin compliance with the SIP standard and support all the voice and UCapplication functionalities without impairing the performance orreliability of our communications solutions.?
In Germany and in the US, Siemens Enterprise Communications deployedmultiple clusters of FortiGate-1240B network security appliances forhigh availability, ensuring the reliable protection and controlledaccessibility of its data centers. The FortiGate clusters act ascentral firewalls for the OpenScape Cloud Services and primarilyprovide firewall, VPN, IPS, and SIP VoIP security.
The FortiGate appliances? high performance allows Siemens EnterpriseCommunications to meet all operations requirements, including highloads during peak periods and possible disruptions, withoutnoticeable constraints. With a very low latency, Fortinet?sappliances are ideal for the provider?s new voice services, since nodelay is incurred during voice traffic.
?Siemens Enterprise Communications is a long-standing customer ofours, and we are very pleased to now secure their latest cloudcomputing service,? said Patrice Perche, senior vice president ofInternational Sales & Support at Fortinet. ?Our technology integrateskey high-performance functionalities, such as VoIP security andvirtualization, which uniquely help carriers and service providerssecure cloud infrastructures and deliver cloud security services.?
About Fortinet ( ) Fortinet /quotes/zigman/115092/quotes/nls/ftnt FTNT -0.35% is aworldwide provider of network security appliances and the marketleader in unified threat management (UTM). Our products andsubscription services provide broad, integrated and high-performanceprotection against dynamic security threats while simplifying the ITsecurity infrastructure. Our customers include enterprises, serviceproviders and government entities worldwide, including the majorityof the 2010 Fortune Global 100. Fortinet?s flagship FortiGate productdelivers ASIC-accelerated performance and integrates multiple layersof security designed to help protect against application and networkthreats. Fortinet?s broad product line goes beyond UTM to help securethe extended enterprise ? from endpoints, to the perimeter and thecore, including databases and applications. Fortinet is headquarteredin Sunnyvale, Calif., with offices around the world.
Copyright Copyright 2012 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Thesymbols (R) and (TM) denote respectively federally registeredtrademarks and unregistered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., itssubsidiaries and affiliates. Fortinet?s trademarks include, but arenot limited to, the following: Fortinet, FortiGate, FortiGuard,FortiManager, FortiMail, FortiClient, FortiCare, FortiAnalyzer,FortiReporter, FortiOS, FortiASIC, FortiWiFi, FortiSwitch, FortiVoIP,FortiBIOS, FortiLog, FortiResponse, FortiCarrier, FortiScan, FortiAP,FortiDB and FortiWeb. Other trademarks belong to their respectiveowners. Fortinet has not independently verified statements orcertifications herein attributed to third parties, and Fortinet doesnot independently endorse such statements. Nothing in the newsrelease constitutes a warranty, guaranty, or contractually bindingcommitment. This news release may contain forward-looking statementsthat involve uncertainties and assumptions. If the uncertaintiesmaterialize or the assumptions prove incorrect, results may differmaterially from those expressed or implied by such forward-lookingstatements and assumptions. All statements other than statements ofhistorical fact are statements that could be deemed forward-lookingstatements. Fortinet assumes no obligation to update anyforward-looking statements, and does not intend to update theseforward-looking statements.
Media Contacts: Rick Popko Fortinet, Inc. 408-486-7853 mailto:
Copyright 2012 Marketwire, Inc., All rights reserved.
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