Following his poor showing in Iowa, Republican candidate Newt Gingrich said he will not engage in negative attacks against caucus winner Mitt Romney. He went from being a poll favorite to fourth-place finish in Iowa with just over half as many votes as Romney. That was a fall that had to hurt the ego but he vowed not to attack his opponent but rather share the truth in a positive way.
"Our ads are all going to be happy and positive - we don't have to do anything negative." Gingrich said to reporters in Burlington, Iowa, according to a CNN report.
Some of these "factual differences" appeared in a full-page ad the next day in New Hampshire, and will be run in South Carolina and Florida. The ad compares himself with Romney. One of the comparisons that Gingrich uses is that he is a "bold Ronald Reagan conservative" and Romney is a "timid Massachusetts moderate."
"And if the truth seems negative, that may be more a comment on his record than it is on politics," Gingrich said in a CNN report.
A spotted leopard is still spotted, even if you change the shape from circles to triangles. The same goes for Gingrich. The real fact is it will be the way Gingrich uses these truthful statements and how he says them that will determine whether or not they are attacks.
When I've heard Gingrich talk over the last few days, I've heard a man who wants to take down the front-runner at all costs. His tone has been that of an angry man who is bitter about the Iowa results, not of a man who is trying to use a happy, positive approach.
I don't think anyone is being fooled by his "the truth is not negative" stance. I would much rather have him be honest about wanting to take Romney down than try to cover it with pretty paper and a bow. I hope, if he really wants to be president, that he will rethink this strategy and focus on why he should be elected rather than attacking his opponents.
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