During 'MTV First: Justin Bieber,' pop star says 'As Long As You Love Me' could be the next track to hit radio.
By Jocelyn Vena, with reporting by Sway Calloway
<P><a href="http://www.mtv.com/music/artist/bieber_justin/artist.jhtml">Justin Bieber</a> is still riding high off the release of his new video for </a> <a href="/news/articles/1684446/justin-bieber-boyfriend-video.jhtml">"Boyfriend."</a> But with his next album, <a href="/news/articles/1684292/justin-bieber-boyfriend-mike-posner-sessions.jhtml"><I>Believe,</I></a> not too far off, Bieber told MTV News that fans might get the chance to hear more from the June 19 release sooner rather than later.</P><P>"Why did I choose 'Boyfriend' [for my first single]? I just thought it was ... a song that most represented me at the time and what I wanted to put out there, " he told Sway during "MTV First: Justin Bieber" on Thursday night (May 3). "It's crazy, because even my <i>next</i> single after that is going to be better."</P><P></p><div class="player-placeholder right" title="'Boyfriend' Shows Off Justin Bieber's 'New Fresh Sound'" id="vid:765693.id:1684329" width="415" height="255"></div><p></P><P>Bieber didn't want to give out too many details about this even better next track, but he did reveal that the title recalls a certain hit by '90s teen idols the Backstreet Boys. "My next single, I don't have it completely set. ... I think it's 'As Long As You Love Me.' It's midtempo," Bieber said. "I think it's edgy."</P><P>With no exact details on when fans might get to hear the next single, he dished that a song he wrote for his mother, Pattie Mallette, could drop on May 13, whether or not it makes the album. "I wrote a song for my mom. But I'm going to put it out on Mother's Day," he said, explaining why Mama Mallette was worthy of her own track, "[It's] about the struggles, I say in the song. She had me at like the age I am now. [It's about] just the struggles she went through and how brave she was, and I think the world needed to know that."</P><P><i>What did you think of the "Boyfriend" video? Share your reviews in the comments!</i></P><P><b>Stick with MTV News as we roll out more from our exclusive "MTV First" interview with Justin Bieber!</b></P><P><center><object width="460" height="260" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="embeddedPlayer" data="http://videoplayer.vevo.com/embed/embedded" style="visibility: visible;"><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="flashvars" value="playerType=embedded&videoId=USUV71200411&playlist=false&enableDomScan=true&siteSection=MTV_mtv.com&playerId=62FF0A5C-0D9E-4AC1-AF04-1D9E97EE3961&autoplay=0&endScreen=play&cc=US&cultureName=en-US&cultureIsRTL=False&sbId=14A00605-7DB5-4492-B67B-CB2093BD89DD"></object></center></p>
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