Snoring can take its toll on both your health and your relationships. Sounding like you?re sawing logs at night can be a particularly embarrassing situation, and not to mention can really prevent your loved one from getting a good night?s sleep. Also, snoring is associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Since a person with sleep apnea has several micro-arousals to kick start breathing during the night, the quality of sleep is also affected.
They may not know of this, and it is usually the partner that notices the tell-tale sign of recurrent pauses in breathing which are usually accompanied by a loud snort or choking sound. In the long run, snorers can suffer fatigue, decreased libido, increased daytime sleepiness which can significantly affect productivity or worse, death from oxygen-deprivation injuries. When inhaled air encounters a partially occluded airway, snoring happens. The occlusion is brought about by several processes like the tongue furling back towards the throat during sleep or when the person is inebriated, the deposition of fatty tissues around the throat, or improper body alignment during sleep.
Fortunately, rectifying the causes of stertor or snoring rarely involves surgical management. Snoring cures can be as simple as making modifications to your diet and your routines. Even by just losing a few pounds, the fatty tissues that narrow the airway are significantly reduced. As do shying away from alcohol and other medications that cause the muscles to relax.
Devices which act as snoring cure are also widely available. Anti-snoring mouthpieces is one of them. These work by holding your lower jaw in a slightly forward position as you sleep. By jutting your jaw in that position, the airway is kept open so air can move smoothly into the throat. However, remember that this device is inserted into your mouth and over your teeth, hence, you should have an anti snoring mouthpiece that is molded to the shape of your mouth to ensure comfort and prevent dental and jaw problems.
Alternatively, one can use anti-snoring pillows. Poor body alignment during sleep has been identified to cause snoring. This is because the airway is somehow obstructed when the chin is thrust towards the chest while in a recumbent position. Snoring pillow are usually designed with the central area thinner than the sides to keep the head and neck extended even during sleep.
There is no question that snoring can decrease your quality of life. Just the same, it is never untreatable.
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